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The one that started with the rain

For the first time in ages, Saturday morning was rather cool as I got on the bike to Hove Prom parkrun. After the heat of the past few weeks, it was quite a nice change and meant good running conditions on the prom as there wasn't a breath of wind either! If only my legs could have taken advantage of it! A few days sans car meaning me on my bike has zapped them. I suppose it's all good training and won't technically hurt, but I was feeling tired I headed down.

Arriving at the prom, there were two familiar Eastbourne running shirts heading my way so I zoomed towards them like a "psycho" (as described by Darvs later and not too far from the truth actually!) and had a quick chat with Brockles and Darvs. Always great to see these guys on the prom and it was also nice to see a few other faces out there whom had been missing for a reason or two.

There was a comical moment or two with two "Brockles" out on the course! Georgia got two cheers for the price of one as I went one way and Ross went the other - half a lap ahead of course! The only way I could be close to him! At least, for me as the run went on, the legs felt better and I got a little quicker! Maybe there's something in this bike malarkey after all!

Post run saw a gym visit with Georgia, and whilst she powered out a 5k on the treadmill, I discovered my arms had come out in sympathy with the legs! Only one solution - coffee! A nice post gym coffee and walk home in the drizzle was refreshing! (I couldn't face the hills on the bike, though those very same hills I walked up heading home!) A good stretch of the legs too and I was over 10,000 steps for the day! Result!

A very tired start to Sunday as I headed to Preston Park junior parkrun's third birthday celebrations. A text from Lizzie to tell me she was there early didn't help the legs negotitate the hill to Preston Park any quicker meaning she was waiting for me when I arrived. It was a fab morning. Typically Holly put me down for two roles including photography - good job I brought my camera then - and then dropped into conversation "you DO know how to do a first timers' brief...?" Actually, it was a priviledge to do it. I know full well that as a young kid, my parents would have dragged me kicking and screaming to a junior parkrun (had they existed back then!). There were a few nervous faces and it was great to be able to change those faces into smiles, by making everyone welcome and letting the kids and parents know that it was all about fun! Lizzie then did a short talk about her goals for the 2020 Paralympic Games, and then made some presentations (and some new friends - easy there Rob!!)

The plan was to do a freedom run after juniors but I really wasn't feeling it! Tired wasn't the word so I indulged in some coffee (which Holly very kindly let me buy with the old "haven't got any money with me" line) and chats before biking to Withdean for a sauna which I think wiped me out. Biking up the hills home was painfully slow and after lunch I crashed out for a couple of hours! An evening walk for an hour doesn't really cut it so I'll call Sunday a rest day!

Monday brought a lovely sunny bike ride to work - yes the wind was behind me! I was toying with the idea of heading to track for Arena's session already but I was tempted with the idea of a gentle 5k runch too! So Sasha and I hit the undercliff at our usual gentle pace, which was even more gentile given the warm temperatures! A nice, cooling breeze as we turned (duly noted for the bike ride later) seemed to set the tone for the run back to the office. Then, disaster! A twinge in Sasha's calf meant we needed to stop. Thankfully, the calf hadn't "gone" (get me with the medical terminology), but it would have done had we not stopped. I wasn't too fussed about the run stopping there (with track still to come) and it was a pleasant mile walk back to the office anyway!

Into the wind I rode (well, trundled) ahead of tonight's session with Arena. A meeting had overran and coupled with the early start tonight (6.20pm - still £2.00 for those who forget ;) ) meant I needed to get the legs going. I made it in good time and caught up with Frances from the Prom who just joined and was eager to see what Bob's track sessions were like. Perhaps folly on my part with the bike riding etc, but for one reason or another, we did our own thing. 3 x 1600m (which for the mathematical amongst you is just over three miles - or just over 5k - when you do it in lanes 3,4 and 5!!) The Garmin saw it as three miles and that'll do for me anyway! We had a good natter about all sorts of running nonsense before hitting the bike for home (and some more hills!)

With the Mini Cooper S in for alloy wheel refurbishment (and said refurbishment now not complete until Thursday - when I should be with same Mini in Manchester!), some j-jiggling of plans was now required. My catch up with "Fletch" was moved to tonight (Tuesday) so I can could catch the train on Wednesday to the Republic (of Mancunia).

First of all there was a very warm 5k with Lucy at lunch. It seemed a good idea at the time, but the heat sure bounced off the concrete undercliff with a vengeance! Still, we both agreed it was better to do something rather than nothing! With this 5k in mind, plus an addition 6-7k later on visiting Fletch, I took the coward's way out and left the bike at work and got a lift home. The wind was gusting and I knew it would zap me!

The run to Fletch's was warm...really warm and my cunning plan backfired as it seems the wind was behind me heading out. About 1/2 mile into the run, I discovered a decent stride (much like the Preston Park freedom run from a couple of weeks back) but it wasn't easy to keep going with so many roads to cross as I headed west. I think the route may get altered as time goes on. Fletch was once again on good form and with the clock ticking over the hour mark, I headed for home. The headwind wasn't really that much and what there was, was warm which, as anyone who knows me will testify (when they've stopped retching), meant a sweaty me! I was feeling it a little on the 6th and 7th mile of the day, so perhaps sitting on a train tomorrow evening, won't be the worst thing for my legs. I hoping to get out at lunchtime for runch, but as disappointing as this news will be, you'll have to wait for that in the blog next time! Limited space in the rucksack means no laptop! I'm sure we'll manage though!

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