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"Summer running..pain in the a-ahaa-aha-ass"

Another hot day on Sunday saw me adjudicating Horsham 10km race up at Horsham Rugby Club. It was smashing to see friends there either helping like Phil and Claire, or running like Aled, Anne, Jenny, Juliet & Andy (from Arena) plus Mark, Paul, Izzy, Johnny and Debs. Rob and Joe were amongst the supporters too! A lap of the field then out onto the road for two laps before heading back to the field and the finish line! After the previous night standing around for more than eight hours at the NOT10000PBs, I was quite pleased to miss this one out.

After watching Andy Vernon and co knock out 10km in sub-28 minutes, once the runners left the field I was convinced there was time for a cuppa and a chat whilst I finished off my paperwork. Well there was only just! Before I knew it the winner was entering the field and as I made my way over to cheer everyone in, there was Aled storming home to take second place. After some impressive performances in recent weeks, this was another huge result! Nice one Aled!

Monday saw me do some running for once! Runchtime saw Sasha and I hit the undercliff with a much more measured pace for the 5km (especially given her calf twinge last week). Pace was much more consistent over the three miles and it genuinely felt like a good warm up for track later. The weather conditions were still warm which, as you must know by now, I hate! During the warm up with Georgia and Frances, we bemoaned the warm weather (thus creating the title of this blog chapter - with apologies to John Travolta!) and set ourselves for the session ahead.

Three sets which consisted of a gentle 800 metres to start with a one minute rest. Then the hard work started! Three more laps which were 300 metres at 5km pace, 100 metres jog, then repeat until three laps were completed. The last set of 300 metres in this segment were to be faster than 5km pace, and with sets 2 & 3, this was to be the pace for two segments, then all three. It was hard work but I was felt I finally starting working on getting some pace back. The Garmin actually showed a mile per minute pace that started with a 6! (Normally I only see that if I turn the watch upside down!)

I had planned to do little on Tuesday as I was giving blood later on in the evening, but Sasha and Sally combined to drag me out (though of course I was secretly pleased!). Another warm 5km and we started much as we did the day before. Pace isn't important on these runs as it's about getting out of the office and doing something. Having said that, the last little bit, I tried to put some pace in and got to a 7:10/mile pace (admittedly for a short distance!)

Blood was donated on the Tuesday evening and tea and biscuits consumed. Giving blood is so effortless and priceless at the same time. I was staggered how some people were when told there was a 30 minute delay; seriously? Considering that you need a needle to remove the blood, I swear there were times there were more pricks in the waiting area! The staff are always fantastic and don't deserve what they have to face.

Anyway, rant over and Wednesday means GoodGym run. I changed my route slightly tonight as I wanted to run along the prom (just for once) as it meant no pausing at road junctions every ten seconds - obviously because there are no road junctions on the prom! The two miles out felt good and strong and whilst 8:15/minute miles are nothing to shout about, I know there is more there to be had. Fletch was in good form as ever and once again my 45 minute visit lasted well over an hour. I know he appreciates the visits and I enjoy doing them. Seriously, this is the most beneficial run of the week that I'll ever do - and if you are interested in doing something similar, check it out here.

I didn't have much planned for Thursday in truth and took my London Marathon 2016 finishers' shirt with me to work more in hope than expectation - both in using it, and in it actually fitting given it is a size smaller than I normally am (though due to the training, it did fit in 2016!) Surprisingly on both counts there was success! Another jolly jaunt along the undercliff was planned for 1pm but we were hit with disaster.... it was raining! Now I can't say whom it was that was doubting the wisdom of a rainy runch, but let's say they weren't Mancunian (lets face it, light rain is called "summer" in Manchester!) and had hair to worry about. At the bottom of the fire escape whilst the run was pondered, colleague Ian got the phone out and confidently predicted that the rain would turn to drizzle in half an hour. Taking all advice on board, we just went for it and I'm so glad we did! I love running in the rain and temperatures were still pleasant. Again, we simply worked on conversational pace which meant that I talked a lot. The idea (genuinely) though is to finish the run without being exhausted. The undercliff was utterly deserted as dog walkers and bike riders alike let the weather beat them! No worries, plenty of room for us. The last mile went particularly well and we knocked a good 15 seconds off Monday's run! Most of all it was fun! And that's what counts!

I had good intentions for Friday but, it is the traditional rest day. With yours truly run directing at Hove Prom parkrun Saturday, I'll have to be pro-active to get a run in! Let's see how it goes....

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